Awaken Your Intuition and Trust Your Inner Voice

The knot in the pit of your stomach. The inner voice quietly advising. The

dreams that predict an outcome. The niggling feeling of something being

‘off’. The synchronistic events that prompt us in a particular direction. A

strange knowing that something significant is about to happen. A strong

emotion towards someone or something. All of these are tied to your


We are all equipped with a sixth-sense that is impeccably attuned to our

true calling, our soul’s path. Our intuition is a quiet voice that can only be

accessed from retreating within, observing, and becoming more aware

of what our higher self is trying to communicate with us in that moment.

Think back to those times you had a hunch about something — how did

it feel within your body? Did you listen to it? Did it turn out to be true?

As an intuitive empath with psychic abilities, I have listed three segments

of advice on how best to strengthen and trust your inner wisdom. Which,

in turn, allows you to deeply trust yourself, since as the saying goes –

only you truly know what is best for you.

1. Ground Yourself in Stillness

Messages from your intuition tend to be softly spoken, so spending time

in silence will help you clearly hear and interpret these messages.

Regular meditation or breathwork practice for even ten minutes per day

will help you clear the mind of distractions and teach you how to better

recognize the subtle impulses from within. Allow yourself to remain in the

present moment and practice mindfulness techniques. It can be difficult

for your intuition to be heard if your mind is permanently rooted in the

past or the future. Bear in mind Lao Tzu’s quote: “If you are depressed,

you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future.

If you are at peace, you are living in the present.” Additionally, a walk in

nature without earphones will also help ground your energy, focus the

mind, and silence the ego when faced with making a difficult decision.

2. Feel More, Think Less

Your intuition may speak to you as a ‘knowing’, a thought, or a word.

You may even be able to enter a dialogue with your intuition to gain

further clarity. Similarly, it may appear in physical sensations, like goose

bumps, discomfort in your gut, or a wave of calm. Pay attention to

sudden feelings, and learn how your insights tend to come through for

you individually. Getting to know your nervous system better will allow

you to have more conviction in your own decision making, rather than

consulting outside parties. Additionally, it will allow you to tap into how

you feel when in the presence of others by observing your energy levels

and feelings. When you have a hunch, it is recommended to ask your

intuition a question clearly, observe your emotional or physical reaction,

and react by writing down your intuitive message or taking suitable

action. Many clients have felt more connected with their higher self after

reiki healing sessions and tarot readings, which have allowed them to

balance their energy, release negativity, remove self-limiting barriers,

and bring clarity.

3. Pay Attention to Dreams

When the cognitive mind is distracted, it can throw off the intuitive right

brain and subconscious mind. However, when you are sleeping, your

cognitive mind has time to rest, and opens space for the subconscious

mind to send you signals through visualisations. Before bed, find time to

journal about the topics you may need guidance on through dreams. Ask

your higher self to provide an answer on a particular question you are

puzzled with, and need to seek guidance on. Sometimes your answer

can appear through your dreams with next steps and solutions. Dream

journals are highly effective to write in as a daily morning ritual. Allow

your words to flow without questioning them or overthinking. On other

occasions, you may wake up with an inner knowing that will lead you in

the right direction. Divination tools such as oracle cards, tarot cards, and

pendulums can be very helpful in further clarifying the path you should

take at that moment and expanding upon the message received in your



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